Not just for kids

May 31, 2009 at 11:17 pm (Reviews) (, , )

So, I’m just back from the late showing of the new film from Pixar: “Up” .  You know I can’t think of any movie, animated or not, that actually had me crying in the first five minutes before.  I didn’t bother with the 3-D version, it was my understanding that this movie was story more than visually driven.  Not that the visuals aren’t amazing-but the story is so very good.  It speaks to the idea of making one’s own family, no matter how unconventional, that things aren’t always what they seem, and that sometimes doing the right thing means losing a dream.  This is a really great movie, and not just for the kiddos.  Now, where do you think I can get one of those fancy collars for my dog?

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